Sunday, January 13, 2008

Letter Eleven

Mark it on your calendars guys. I finally made it back to Orgun-E at about 2 in the morning central time on the 12th. Being that I left at 6 in the morning on the 2nd I think it is safe to say that I made pretty piss poor time. I am going to be perfectly content to sit here and not move again until it is time to go home. So the weather here is pretty freezing cold. There is about 2 feet of snow and the mountain passes have become almost untravelable due to turned over vehicles in the choke points. The thing that trips me out the most is that you will still see locals walking around in sandals, or little kids standing there barefoot in the snow waving at you. My feet are cold in my boots, I don't know how these people do it. My theory is that the increase in suicide bombers in the last few months is because they don't want to put up with another winter living in mud huts and walking around barefoot in pajamas. I'm getting my room set up and settled in and I am starting to learn my new job, so things are going good here. I can't wait to make it back home though. Love you guys.


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